10 Steps to Getting Organized in 5 Minutes

Okay, you can’t really get organized in five minutes. But you can get organized in five-minute chunks.

The trick is to signpost where you are so when you return from a phone call, chasing after a screaming child, or dealing with a plumbing disaster, you’ll know where you left off.

What you’ll need:

  • Post-it Sticky Notes
  • Sharpie Marker

And… GO!

  1. Pick a drawer (or cabinet, container, area, etc.).
  2. Decide what should go in it.
  3. Write this on a sticky note.
  4. Write the words, “IN PROGRESS,” on the bottom of the sticky note.
  5. Put the sticky note on the drawer.
  6. Remove anything from the drawer that doesn’t belong in it.
  7. Look around quickly and find any other items that should go in the drawer.
  8. Put those items in the drawer.
  9. Once you’ve finished, tear off the part that reads, “IN PROGRESS.”
  10. Repeat.

Can you do it? Let us know how it goes in the comments – and don’t forget to share this on twitter!


One Response to 10 Steps to Getting Organized in 5 Minutes
  1. […] a recent blog post by Restorganize, Judson lists 10 Steps to Getting Organized in 5 Minutes. Yes you read that right! 5 Minutes!! Sounds amazing right!?! These 10 steps are key for any […]

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